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Student Learning Outcomes 

WSU Tech's Processes and Procedures 

What students will learn 

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

WSU Tech has adopted a set of four student learning outcomes which all students, regardless of program or discipline, are expected to master. These Student Learning Outcomes allow all Technical Programs and General Education Disciplines to cohesively support student learning of core components of education in a manner that prepares them for a 21st -century academic and professional environment.


1. Communication: The student will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively using written and oral communication.


2. Information Literacy: The student will recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information.


3. Problem Solving: The student will demonstrate the ability to analyze information and solve problems.


4. Workplace Skills: The student will identify and apply workplace skills.

ITAS at WSU Tech (NCAT) | 4004 N. Webb Rd | Wichita, KS 67226 |

ITAS at WSU Tech (South) · 3821 E. Harry | Wichita, KS 67218 |

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