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Welcome to the Career Training & Education Beginner Level page.

If you are new to Hybrid course development then you are in the right place. Here you will find all of the tools you'll need to help you develop effective Hybrid courses at the beginner level. From Communicating with your students, to syllabus creation, how to create Modules, and more, we have you covered.

Click on the black title bars below under each subject to reach the information you need. 

Communicating with Students

Sample announcement templates to tweak or inspire you as you communicate with your students.

This 10 minute video highlights how to use the tools in Blackboard to communicate with students. It also covers standards and best practices for timely communication and faculty presence.

Course Development  

Modules are the container for subject matter concepts. Modules cover one topic/outcome and usually equal a week of instruction. Learn how to create, organize, and structure a module. 

Learning Modules & Content Tools

Icons and Terminology

Blackboard Logo

View the Blackboard icons and tools in this graphic organizer. 

Start Here Module 

The Start Here Module is the entry point for students when they enter a course in Blackboard. It contains important documentation that outlines specific requirements as outlined by WSU Tech. Here you will find information for additional documentation required.

This link opens information and examples of the required content for the Start Here Module in a .pdf document. 


A syllabus is a contract between an instructor and a student. This link includes information for using the WSU Tech Syllabus Templates and uploading the syllabus to your course. 

Templates for your online, hybrid, or face-to-face syllabus are housed in the Institutional Content Collection in Blackboard. This guide will explain how to use the syllabus templates. 

This guide shows the steps when you are ready to upload your syllabus to Blackboard.  

Using the What's New Area 

Decorative Image of What's New in Blackboard

This 6 minute video provides instruction on using the What's New Area in Blackboard to communicate effectively with students and create faculty presence.

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