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Faculty Presence

What's on this page? Select a link below to jump to that item.

The student is the focal point of our existence. Below you will see tips on how to better serve your students to promote success in the classroom and the lives of our students. 

Browse this document on social presence for resources, blogs, videos, and scholarly research.  Find resources for each of the topics presented below by exploring the links in the More Resources section under each infographic.

Using Rubrics

Featured Faculty:Relay Rockstar


Check out the first Featured Faculty Interview with Shelby Lowen. Tune in to learn how she is using Relay to engage her colleagues while modeling how to engage students. Shelby also shares her best tip for creating presence in the classroom

Humanizing Learning
in a Synchronous Environment


How we interact with students in-person or online makes a difference in student retention.  More importantly, regardless of modality, students want to feel like they are a part of a learning community.  How can you make your learning environment feel like a community to students and that they are just not a number in a face-to-face class or on their own in an online or hybrid course?

Take a few minutes to read Humanizing Online Learning for some tips and tricks!  While this article is geared towards synchronous learning online via Zoom, many tips can also be applied to the face-to-face classroom.

Faculty Files: Making Your Presence Known An ITAS Newsletter 


Faculty Files is an interactive newsletter about faculty presence. You will notice icons next to interactive print items.  Use the arrows on either side of the screen to navigate through the pages. Make sure to select images to access the interactive features. 



Timely Grading

Timely Grading

Prompt Feedback (2).webp

More Resources for Timely Grading


Using Announcements


More Resources for Using Announcements


Using Rubrics

Using rubrics to grade outlines to the student how his or her performance has met the standard of the assignment as outlined in clear instructions. The chart below gives examples on how to capture performance.


More Resources for Using Rubrics



One of the simplest ways to increase presence (yours and your students’) is to stress the importance of being present. Taking attendance at WSU Tech is mandatory for financial aid and legal reasons, but it also benefits our students. In her article on attendance on UC Berkeley’s Center for Teaching and Learning website, Rita-Marie Conrad, PhD. offers three tips for putting the accountability and motivation to attend class on your students: 

  1. Help students understand the importance of attendance.

  2. Make class worth attending.

  3. Make students accountable not just for attending, but for learning something.


Dr. Conrad’s full article provides links to research you can share with your students as well as activities you can bring into the classroom. 

For more information on attendance at WSU Tech, check out the resources below. Check back soon for videos from our very own Financial Aid and Registrar staff.

More Resources for Attendance

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