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Preparing to Teach Digitally

PRD 101 Handbook

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There are two types of Blackboard course shells used at WSU Tech: masters and templates. The uses and functions of these course shells are explained in this section. 

Select the title to access the Teaching with a Master or Template Course Shell website. 

Instructors receive training for teaching WSU Tech courses. Additionally, this professional development includes training specific to college initiatives.  

Select the linked title to access the Faculty-based Training web page. 

Teaching without a master or template shell means building the course from scratch either with or without an instructional designer.  

Select the title to access the Teaching without a Master or Template Course Shell web page.  

Classroom maintenance refers to facilitating a course: grading, attendance, answering student emails. These tasks are essential to keeping the course running effectively. 

Select the linked title to access the Classroom Maintenance web page. 

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